Summer Professional Development offerings from GISD Digital Learning

Summer Digital Learning Sign

Summer learning opportunities begin Tuesday, May 31st, and will continue throughout the summer until Monday, August 8th. Staff can participate in Face-to-Face or Asynchronous formats. Digital Learning has some great offerings this summer, so please sign up before sessions are full.


(June 1- 30: Google Sheets Basics - This online asynchronous course will guide you in the basics of how to use the powerful tools in Google Sheets for organizing, visualizing, and calculating data in a spreadsheet. The self-paced learning consists of 3 modules and a Quiz for credit. If you enrolled & completed credit for this course in 2021, then you are not eligible to enroll it again.

This session is offered again from July 1 to August 5

(June 1-30) Google Slides:  This online asynchronous course will guide you through the basics of using Google Slides for visual presentations and how to utilize built-in tools to take it up a level. The self-paced learning consists of 3 modules and a Quiz for credit. This session is offered again from July 1- August 5)


This summer (June 20 - July 1), the Digital Learning Team Presents a series: Impactful Technology Integration. These sessions repeat for July 11- 22.

Make your technology integration impactful! Design engaging digital work for students that will leverage different skills.

  • The STUDENT COLLABORATION session focuses on using technology to work together to solve problems, complete tasks, and accomplish common goals.

  • The STUDENT COMMUNICATION session focuses on using technology to engage audiences in person and online through multiple digital mediums.

  • The CRITICAL THINKING session focuses on students gaining skills by using technology to ask questions, investigate, complex problems, evaluate different sources of information, and draw conclusions based on evidence and reasoning.

  • The STUDENT AGENCY session focuses on using technology to take responsibility for their learning by setting and driving towards personal goals, identifying their own topics, processes, and strategies, and by reviewing and reflecting on their work.

  • The CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION session focuses on using technology to generate and refine solutions to complex problems or tasks using ideation, synthesis, and analysis processes.


Fact VS Fiction (June 16th, 1-4pm at Wagner): 24-hour news cycles, citizen journalism, and increased reliance on social media as trusted news sources have had a major effect on how we consume, evaluate, and share our news, This has created a challenging landscape for our students to navigate. When these issues are further complicated by "fake news" this challenge becomes even more difficult. Learn some instructional strategies for combating fake news, with models for evaluating news stories and links on how to include these skills in your lessons! Teachers will get 1 hour of learning and two hours of design time.

For further assistance, view a quick video by clicking on Signing Up for Summer PL in Eduphoria Strive
